
All posts tagged Kevin

Bill makes his triumphant return to the podcast joining Matt and Kevin to recap the latest episode of Game of Thrones. Some technical difficulties with one of the microphones in this episode… apologies.

Kevin and Rob join Matt for their weekly Game of Thrones episode recap. Afterwards, Craig stops by to discuss the Raptors in the conference finals and the fight between the Blue Jays and Rangers.

Much like the rest of the world, Kevin and Matt get together to provide a review for Captain America: Civil War. (SPOILERS!)

A true crossover episode as Kevin and Rob join Matt to recap the latest episode of Game of Thrones, and at the 45 minute mark Craig comes on to discuss the crazy weekend in Toronto sports plus the NFL Draft.

The Crossover Crew recaps (spoilers) episode 1 of the latest Game of Thrones season, titled “The Red Woman”.

An official crossover on The Crossover Podcast as Adam Bleskie (host of the HI101 podcast) joins Kevin and Matt to discuss virtually everything nerd related. Including: Supergirl, Rogue One, Batman v Superman, Arrow, Agents of Shield, Civil War, Suicide Squad, Flash, and more.

Listen to HI101 at

The gang is back together to discuss the upcoming season of Game of Thrones. Kevin and Mike, our resident book readers, fill in the gaps between book and show. Plus, everyone makes a prediction on who will die this year and pick their MVPs for season 6.

Kevin, Matt and Carly have emerged from the garbage of Batman vs. Superman to warn you on its existence. Believe the hype…it is awful, and you should listen to this pod instead of paying money to see a tire fire.

Kevin and Matt are back for a second trip into Hell’s Kitchen…this time with ninjas. Providing a spoiler heavy review of Daredevil season 2.

The Crossover Podcast continues its tradition of lead-in commentaries with our lead-in to Batman v Superman: The Dark Knight Returns Part 2. Follow along as DC Animated brings the bible of comic books to life and watch Batman fight Superman as cartoons, before watching them punch each other in 3D.