
All posts tagged Kevin

Following the great traditions of The Batman, The Crossover Podcast celebrates completing its Year One. Kevin and Matt are together to discuss Arrow, Flash, Supergirl, Gotham, the Oscars, and casting calls for Iron Fist, Dark Tower, and Guardians 2.

Kevin and Matt are back together to get caught up on all of their favourite DC Comics TV shows. Including: trying to figure out who Zoom is, who winds up dead in Arrow, which direction Legends of Tomorrow is heading, and the surprising turn-around of Supergirl.

Because Matt refuses to spend money on Deadpool, Miller went to go see the movie and is here to give a hastily written review of what could be a surging franchise. Also, they discuss all of the Super Bowl TV spots for the upcoming comic movies, the new BvS trailer, Daredevil S2 trailer, and the Game of Thrones S6 teaser.

It’s no secret that Matt hates Deadpool, here are some isolated clips of his ramblings and muses on a character he once compared to Larry the Cable Guy and Dane Cook. Featuring Rob, Kevin and Mike.

After much demand The Crossover heads back to the other side to discuss many nerd related things. Up to and including: the Force Awakens, Suicide Squad, Deadpool, X-Men Apocalypse, Batman v Superman, Jessica Jones, Venture Bros, Ninja Turtles, Legends of Tomorrow, Warcraft, and Independence Day. Joining Matt are Mike, Kevin, and Rob.

Matt and Kevin discuss the opening episodes of the currents seasons of Supergirl, Flash and Arrow, as well as several new movie trailers. Matt also explains the last two seasons of Agents of Shield to a disinterested Miller.

Kevin answers the Bat-signal as Matt has a few things to get off his chest about the new Batman v Superman trailer and he explains season two of Gotham to Miller.

Kevin and Matt provide a spoiler-heavy breakdown (both good and bad) of the Jessica Jones Netflix series and also discuss the new Civil War trailer.

Almost the ENTIRE Crossover Crew joins Matt to celebrate making it to 50 episodes by doing a commentary track to 1997s disaster movie Batman and Robin. It is a great podcast for those who have ever wanted to hear Matt sing R. Kelly’s Gotham City.

Kevin and Matt get together to explain to you who Jessica Jones is before you watch the Netflix series. They also discuss the most recent episodes of Arrow, Flash and Supergirl, plus provide a quick mini-commentary track.