
All posts tagged X-men

In order to get you hyped for X-Men Apocalypse next week, Mike and Matt get together to record a follow along commentary to the best X-Men movie of all-time X2. Line up your copy of the movie and watch along with us. Note: we recorded this a few moths ago so some of the dialogue is a little dated.

After much demand The Crossover heads back to the other side to discuss many nerd related things. Up to and including: the Force Awakens, Suicide Squad, Deadpool, X-Men Apocalypse, Batman v Superman, Jessica Jones, Venture Bros, Ninja Turtles, Legends of Tomorrow, Warcraft, and Independence Day. Joining Matt are Mike, Kevin, and Rob.

Matt and Kevin discuss the opening episodes of the currents seasons of Supergirl, Flash and Arrow, as well as several new movie trailers. Matt also explains the last two seasons of Agents of Shield to a disinterested Miller.

Kevin and Matt get together to explain to you who Jessica Jones is before you watch the Netflix series. They also discuss the most recent episodes of Arrow, Flash and Supergirl, plus provide a quick mini-commentary track.

Comic Con is over and Kevin Miller stops in to discuss all of the new comic book movie trailers that were released including: Batman v Superman, Suicide Squad, X-Men Apocalypse, and Deadpool.

Take a trip back to 2000 with The Crossover crew as we provide a commentary track to the first X-Men movie that kicked off the era of decent comic book movies.

Kevin and Matt take it upon themselves to rate every major comic movie they can think of. Part 1 of 2.